Add VFX -------10 second video-------- Film-------- Cinema--------- Add Blue beams to Nature Shot

  • 状态: Closed
  • 奖金: $59
  • 参赛作品已收到: 4
  • 获胜者: radgevfx


1) Add blue/greenish beams to this video:
- make the blue beams of light thin.... not too wide
- make the beams come from outer space or a portal


(this is what the beams should look like)(same colour)

2) Try placing several beams, coming down from portals or space at different times, maybe in slow motion...

3) Try starting the beams sometime after 0:06, maybe 0:07

4) Try to make The first blue beam drop off to the left behind the tree line at about 0:06sec, and then it goes off frame as the camera continues to zoom in. The second beam maybe way off in the distance. And then maybe a third beam right near the camera which will end the scene
>> The final video does NOT have to be the full 30 seconds, You can cut it off short if you like, at the end



“This guy knows what he's doing. As a long time employer on freelancer, I can tell you Sajjad is one of the most talented people I've run across when it comes to VFX”

个人主页照片 ada57e5ac84ebf03, Canada.




  • radgevfx
    • 4 年 之前

    Also i have updated the link in my entry.

    • 4 年 之前
  • radgevfx
    • 4 年 之前


    • 4 年 之前


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