• 状态: Closed
  • 奖金: $120
  • 参赛作品已收到: 127
  • 获胜者: hamedosman2010


"Gianda Tree" is a project name for a gigantic tree-shaped structure/building (which will incorporate shops inside), and will be auspiced under a registered non-profit Charity (Dreams To Miracles Foundation).

The ORIGINAL/UNIQUE logo/sign must be an elegant/stylish/majestic ‘Tree’ design (refer to ‘Graphic/Image/Picture’ description below), very colourful (refer to sample tree pictures attached), and include wording/text (Gianda Tree). Designs must be submitted on plain white background (as per ‘Entry Submission’ description below).

Gianda Tree - easy-to-read text/font, very elegant/stylish design. If using upper/lower case text, please use capital letters for the first letter of each word. "Gianda Tree" is the only wording to be included in this design.

Preference is for the graphic (a unique/colourful Tree with colourful branches and leaves extending out from the trunk of the Tree) to be incorporated with/around the wording. The theme is to be based on the Rainbow Eucalyptus Tree, which has very colourful bark (see attached images for inspiration - there are many different colour variations - use as many colours as you like, as long the tree trunk/branches/leaves are colourful). The Tree graphic/image must include colourful branches with colourful leaves, which appear to be ‘reaching out’ (extending out) from the Tree trunk (preference is for the image to give the impression that the tree is ‘as old as time’, a very wise old tree, a tree that looks majestic/magnificent, branches reaching/spreading out across the design, a very beautiful/attractive Tree). Please note that the design does not have to look exactly like the actual Rainbow Eucalyptus Tree (the picture examples are just to get inspiration from the amazing colours in this tree). The graphic and wording must blend well together. Please ensure the design is original/unique, colourful, elegant/stylish/majestic and visually appealing. For more information/ideas about the Tree image, please refer to attached 'Sample-TreePictures' document.

The design MUST be very colourful (refer to the attached images of the Rainbow Eucalyptus Tree for inspiration), very rich/bold colours, bright/clean/clear colours/tones.
Please do not use black/beige/dull colours in this design.

Easy to read text/font (NO black colour), bold/thick clear text, easy to see/read from a distance.

Entries must be submitted front-forward (facing front-on, not side-on), on plain white background (DEFINITELY NO embossing, NO 3D designs, NO lighting, NO lighting/shadow over text, NO coloured/black background, NO borders external to the design, NO colour palettes, NO multiple designs in any one submission, etc).

This Logo/Sign will be used for many purposes, and must be able to be provided in various sizes to suit, for example, Logo (size 8cm x 8cm - must be provided in colour and B&W/Mono), other/various sizes for Website Banner, Letterhead, Advertising purposes, and very large Outdoor signage, in jpg, png and other appropriate formats.

Please note that I shall be away for a few days throughout the duration of this competition, and will respond to queries as soon as possible.



“Hamed did his best to produce the design required, overcoming a few communication and interpretation issues, and we achieved the desired outcome. Thank you Hamed.”

个人主页照片 erica214, Australia.


  • erica214
    • 4 年 之前

    Thank you to all the talented designers who submitted such beautiful designs for our Gianda Tree competition. This was not an easy decision to make, and we thank everyone who entered this competition. We wish you great success all your endeavours. Thank you.

    • 4 年 之前
    1. xninedezine
      • 4 年 之前

      YOU WIN COPY TO GOOGLE ENTRY https://www.dreamstime.com/huge-sacred-oak-tree-silhouette-logo-badge-isolated-white-background-modern-vector-national-tradition-green-plant-icon-sign-image106096687

      • 4 年 之前
    2. pratikshakawle17
      • 4 年 之前

      the entry is a copy .. https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBD_enIN793IN793&biw=1366&bih=625&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=nlBJXY7WGZn2rQGpr6vABQ&q=sacred+oak+tree+silhoutte&oq=sacred+oak+tree+silhoutte&gs_l=img.3...1864.4204..4351...0.0..0.474.1790.0j8j4-1......0....1..gws-wiz-img.......0j0i30j0i24.VXE-1gnoU0w&ved=0ahUKEwiOnZWT_-3jAhUZeysKHanXClgQ4dUDCAY&uact=5#imgrc=4nrqGshyGhfbBM:

      • 4 年 之前
  • Kinkoi10101
    • 4 年 之前

    Very nice copy https://www.dreamstime.com/huge-sacred-oak-tree-silhouette-logo-badge-isolated-white-background-modern-vector-national-tradition-green-plant-icon-sign-image106096687

    • 4 年 之前
  • erica214
    • 4 年 之前

    CONTESTANTS: Please note that a pdf document with some sample 'Tree' ideas has been uploaded into the 'Description' area (Sample-TreePictures), to assist with this competition design. Thank you.

    • 4 年 之前
    1. naiklancer
      • 4 年 之前

      okay sir

      • 4 年 之前
    2. naiklancer
      • 4 年 之前

      CHECK #109

      • 4 年 之前
  • bimayudha1999
    • 4 年 之前

    Please check my entry #83

    • 4 年 之前
  • erica214
    • 4 年 之前

    Please read the "DESCRIPTION" area:
    The ORIGINAL/UNIQUE logo/sign for GIANDA TREE must be an elegant/stylish/colourful ‘Tree’ design, as described in the 'Description' area.

    • 4 年 之前
  • forhad880
    • 4 年 之前

    Please check my entry #41 #43

    • 4 年 之前
  • erica214
    • 4 年 之前

    The ORIGINAL/UNIQUE logo/sign for GIANDA TREE must be an elegant/stylish ‘Tree’ design (refer to ‘Graphic/Image/Picture’ info in 'Description'), very colourful (refer to sample tree pictures attached in 'Description'), and include wording/text (Gianda Tree). Designs must be submitted on plain white background (as per ‘Entry Submission’ info in 'Description').

    • 4 年 之前



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