1,只要Chrome能够下载的页面,该函数就可以下载。 2,仅限于不登录的页面。 3,输入参数是个url地址。 4,下载结果返回一个字符串,相当于在chrome里查看网页源代码时看到的文本。 5,难点是处理cookie,处理https的ssl证书验证,以及类似的特殊要求。
...acordo com o ponto 2.4 do Despacho n.º 8632/2014 de 03 de julho do Diretor Geral da Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira sendo que o 1º documento pertence à série F com o nº 23 do dia 14-01-2022 e o 2º pertence à série D com o nº 3 do dia 12-01-2022 e respetivo PDF. (Note que, de acordo com o ponto 2.4.2, deve ser criado um novo documento do mesmo tipo que recolha todos os elementos do documento manual emitido, significando que todos os elementos são de introdução livre, por exemplo: denominação usual, quantidade, preço, valor do imposto, total de imposto e do documento, etc.); T30. Simule a integração de 2 documentos (de 30-01-2022) de acordo com o pon...
1 更新到和当前 chrome 相同的稳定版本。 2 移除 google 相关功能。列出所有相关的替换 3 制作用户身份与登录界面。用户要先登录才能打开全部功能。 4 崩溃上报。网页崩溃和应用崩溃都需要上报信息到相应的地址。 5 自动升级方案。类似想在 chrome 升级的效果。 6 扩展商店方案。需要帮助设计方案,具体实施之后再看。
我们是 ,主要运营“自由浏览” “自由微信“ ”自由微博“等项目。 目前需要一位精通Chromium的开发者,帮助我们进行“自由浏览”的开发,具体需求如下: 我们的目的: 开发新版架构的自由浏览 对您的要求: 1.精通C、Android开发 2.熟悉Chromium编译流程、整体架构和网络模块。 3.对网络安全的要求。 4.使用汉语。 5.有同类项目的经验。 小测试: 1. 给Chromium增加 --max-sockets-per-group 命令行参数支持(可以限制取值范围,例如6 ~ 255),需要完成Desktop以及Android平台。其中Android平台往CommandLine单例中添加参数即可,或者可以添加到文件 /data/local/tmp/chrome-command-line 。在各个平台以命令行运行 (可选)2. 使用epoll,异步库 或者Chromium本身的ThreadPool 扫描N个CIDR内可达的IP(443端口返回状态码为200/400/401/403/404),类似 ,测试时可以使用少量IP,实际项目CIDR里可能会包含万级别IP。 测试不必要提交二进制包,提交关键patch的解决思路和代码亦可。 另外特别强调,由于我们组织的特殊性(来自政府的审查风险),我们对项目的保密性要求较高,工作环境也需要保持在匿名且安全的环境下,请应聘者确保自身有能力做到这些安全要求。
Mac C或C++ 苹果系统 MAC OS APP开发 总需求:开发一个应用程序,完成与USB设备通信,调用C语言 函数完成功能,在界面上显示对应数据 要求: 1. 提供APP源代码,注解 2. 打安装包
Mac C或C++ 苹果系统 MAC OS APP开发 总需求:开发一个应用程序,完成与USB设备通信,调用C语言 函数完成功能,在界面上显示对应数据 要求: 1. 提供APP源代码,注解 2. 打安装包
Produce a English version for a chinese website, which is developed by chinese developer and provides cloud based screenshot service. 我们开发了一个截图工具网站。这个网站包括网站本身,一个APP,以及一个chrome浏览器的扩展插件。 我们面向的用户群主要是海外的互联网从业人员(如产品经理/设计师等),因此,我们急需一个熟悉了解海外互联网,经常使用海外尤其是美国互联网产品/社交媒体,同时精通中文的网站文案写作及营销人员,来为我们进行网站的文案写作(大约10个页面)。并且我们希望后续也能够把社会化媒体的营销推广,广告的投放,甚至于SEO的相关工作一并交付。 这个工作大致可分为两部分,一部分是网站初期的整体文案写作工作。这个大概需要在3~5天内完成。 这个工作完成后,我们会再探讨后续的长期的营销推广工作的合作方式。
需要寻找一位能够完全一样实现出kifi网页插件的人才。网址 注册登录后网页会自动跳出安装插件,可以先安装后使用一下。我们的要求是和它做的一模一样。 我们这边来提供API。 人民币支付
...计工作。这个项目只有设计2-4 网页,2-4 个 banners 和 简单的WordPress 网站; 成功完成第一个项目的设计师将会被邀请参与我们的第二个项目(马上开始在第一个项目完成后),网站设计工作设计的要求会高和复杂。 要求如下: Web/App Graphics • ability to take design (PSD) and create web friendly optimised graphical elements • familiar with all levels of CSS (through CSS3) • understand and ability to implement responsive design • understand browser limitations of Safari, IE, Firefox, Chrome; can design cross browser solutions Programming • competent to expert in WordPress & PHP (portfolio sites required) • understand modern javascript frameworks (minimum: JQuery) • understand SEO best practices Communications • fluent in English and Chinese
...计工作。这个项目只有设计2-4 网页,2-4 个 banners 和 简单的WordPress 网站; 成功完成第一个项目的设计师将会被邀请参与我们的第二个项目(马上开始在第一个项目完成后),网站设计工作设计的要求会高和复杂。 要求如下: Web/App Graphics • ability to take design (PSD) and create web friendly optimised graphical elements • familiar with all levels of CSS (through CSS3) • understand and ability to implement responsive design • understand browser limitations of Safari, IE, Firefox, Chrome; can design cross browser solutions Programming • competent to expert in WordPress & PHP (portfolio sites required) • understand modern javascript frameworks (minimum: JQuery) • understand SEO best practices Communications • fluent in English and Chinese
... 我们做出这个系统后,由于需要修改安卓底层代码,所以无法让用户下载使用。 现在我们需要一个Chrome高手,将这个功能与安卓系统下的Chrome浏览器整合在一起,这样用户就可以下载本系统,且在使用浏览器的时候使用动感操控系统了。 我们可以提供我们原先做在操作系统中的代码模块,供参考。 基本原理,调用智能手机内部的陀罗,感知手机的转动状态,手机转动一定角度,鼠标指针就向相应的方向移动一定的距离。当手指点击屏幕上的虚拟按钮的时候,相当于点击鼠标按键。 当然,还要同时保持系统原有的触摸屏操作的操作功能,即两种操控方式是并行的。 其他附加功能,以及可选要求, 1.菜单、功能按钮的自动隐藏功能,就如同windows的任务栏可以自动隐藏,当鼠标指针移动到屏幕边缘的时候自动冒出来,鼠标指针移走后再自动隐藏。 2.有基本的节省流量的功能。 3.界面用unicode,打包的时候同时做出一个英文版、和中文版。 4.具有Chrome最新版的基本的省流量功能。 5.据说Chrome代码中有翻墙功能,如果能加入这个功能更好。具体参照【天行浏览器】中的相应的功能。 7.具有基本功能相关的【设置菜单】项,对相关功能进行设置。 8.完成后提供源代码、注释、及详细说明, 投标方可以先用Chrome的源代码打包随便做一个简单、基本的浏览器,起一个市面上没有的名字或加一个特殊标志,证明你熟悉Chrome。投标者最好是汉语普通话流利的中国人。
外形: 参考APPLE TV,FIRE TV,PS4等 硬件参数参考(可以不一样,但总体性能不能差): 处理器:Cortex-A9,双核1.5GHz GPU:Mali-400, 双核 400MHz 内存:1GB DDR3 用户内存:4GBeMMC 蓝牙4.0 无线局域网:2.4GHz/5GHz 802.11 a/b/g/n OS: ANDROID 4.3 或更高 我希望硬件是可以直接买到的成熟产品,然后可以刷写自己的ROM到里面去。 因为我自己做硬件成本太高。 简单来说,我需要成品稳定的ANDROID BOX,然后里面的ROM可以自己编译刷写。
网站地址: 目前仅实现了刷钻。 需要推翻现有设计,重新整顿平台,平台主要有3个大的系统架构:刷钻、威客、店铺转让。 兼容要求: 若能包括DIV+CSS(兼容IE7+ ,FIREFOX,GOOGLE CHROME,360) 报价系统不太会用, 请自行联络我报价。
Estamos em busca de um editor de vídeo criar/editar vídeos que capturem a essência da nossa marca. A ideia é que os vídeos transmitam a emoção da cultura automotiva, estilo Need for Speed e Velozes e Furiosos. Responsabilidades: - Editar vídeos que transmitam a emoção e a cultura do automobilismo e do streetwear. - Criar vídeos que envolvam o público e sejam compatíveis com a estética underground da cultura automotiva. - Trabalhar com referências visuais para garantir que o estilo e a vibração estejam alinhados com a marca. Requisitos: - Experiência comprovada em edição de vídeo com portfólio que demonstre sua habilidade de criar v&...
Quero um cardápio em flyer , quero só atualizar os preços e incluir mais informações
, i wanted to ask if you can create a chrome extension which works like this: i want to Upload the bot as chrome Extension later so people can Download it. ☆ nutes But they have to contact me for Serial Key or something you know So i want a Sniping Bot for the Web App of EA FC 25 • The Bot should Sell players automatically if you turn it on, shows Profit After 5% Tax • You can change the Seconds between the searches Just Same like in the Video, but with Profit and all automated Then a Bar where you can Type a price in when the bot resets, cuz you Need to change the Price Every search to refresh the Transfer market
...(geralmente para funcionário) -Configurar relê, botão de 'Liberar Catraca' de forma avulsa e qual direção vai liberar a catraca -Ajustar data e hora -Essas alterações serão salvas localmente -Registro de alunos -Buscar lista de alunos do sistema, baseado no código do cliente -Registrar digital e biometria facial -Criar a possibilidade de editar e excluir os dados mencionados no tópico anterior -Autenticação: -Passando a digital em um leitor, interno ou externo, ou execução de leitura de biometria facial. Dependendo da resposta abre a catraca ou retorna um erro, impedindo o acesso -Modelos de leitores externos: ...
Seeking a skilled C developer to implement a baremetal C driver for the Allwinner F1C100s chip. The focus of the project is to create drivers for multimedia playback from an SD card, specifically: H.264 Video Decoder for formats such as MP4, AVI, etc., including audio playback support. Image Decoding for formats like JPEG, GIF, etc., from an SD card. Requirements: No OS dependencies, and must be built for a baremetal environment. Efficient file handling from the SD card. H.264 Decoder: Able to decode and play H.264 (mp4, avi, etc) videos with audio output. Image Support: Decoding JPEG, GIF, and potentially other image formats from the SD card. Source Code in C: Must be written in pure C, optimized for the F1C100s hardware. Documentation: Source code must be extremely well document...
...app-specific control? Answer: The app will require system-wide network control, as it needs to manage internet connectivity for the entire device, not just specific apps. The primary functionality involves turning off or managing network access (such as Wi-Fi or mobile data) based on user-defined schedules, which should apply to the entire system. However, if system-wide control is not feasible due to OS restrictions (e.g., iOS limitations), app-specific control could be considered for certain cases on Android. 2. Data usage monitoring in the background and level of detail? Answer: Yes, the data usage monitoring will need to run frequently in the background. Ideally, it should be able to capture data usage per hour, day, week, and month, allowing the user to view their data co...
I'm looking for a skilled developer to automate LinkedIn connection requests and messaging and create a total SAAS solution. Solution - Prefer a solution as a chrome extension Key Requirements: - The connection request should start with a personalized greeting and include the recipient's job role. - Connection requests should be sent only after I manually select a profile or upload a search results. - There should be a single follow-up message sent once the connection is accepted. Integration -Payment gateway -User Subscription Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in automation tools. - Experience with creating personalized and professional messages. - Knowledge of LinkedIn's policies to ensure compliance. I need someone who can deliver a seamless, user-friendly solution...
...com leads por semana em espanhol, inglês e português, procuro fechar vendas. Somos uma empresa com 21 anos de experiência e clientes na Índia, EUA, Espanha, Brasil e América Latina. Os projetos geralmente variam entre US$ 2.000 e US$ 4.000, estou oferecendo o seguinte: + Pagamento de USD 10 por cada entrevista comercial com lead que fornecemos (pagamento semanal). + Comissão de 5% pelos fechamentos com leads que disponibilizamos. + 10% do valor da venda para fechamentos com novos clientes (leads que não disponibilizamos). + O pagamento das comissões é feito com o primeiro pagamento efetivo do cliente (normalmente os projetos são em 3 pagamentos e o primeiro pagamento é após 3 semanas). Habil...
I'm seeking a skilled developer to create a Chrome extension that logs transaction details from my ANZ internet banking into a phpMyAdmin database. Specifics: - The extension should extract the transaction description from my ANZ internet banking. - Data insertion into the phpMyAdmin database should occur at scheduled intervals. - The extension should authenticate using my username and password. Ideal skills for this project include proficiency in Chrome extension development, experience with PHP and MySQL, and familiarity with ANZ internet banking. Please ensure your bid reflects your ability to meet these requirements.
I'm looking for a skilled developer to automate LinkedIn connection requests and messaging and create a total SAAS solution. Solution - Prefer a solution as a chrome extension Key Requirements: - The connection request should start with a personalized greeting and include the recipient's job role. - Connection requests should be sent only after I manually select a profile or upload a search results. - There should be a single follow-up message sent once the connection is accepted. Integration -Payment gateway -User Subscription Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in automation tools. - Experience with creating personalized and professional messages. - Knowledge of LinkedIn's policies to ensure compliance. I need someone who can deliver a seamless, user-friendly solution...
I am seeking a skilled Quality Assurance professional to test the functionality of my website. The primary focus of the tests will be: - User login and registration - Payment processing The tests should be conducted exclusively on desktop devices, specifically using Google Chrome. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proven experience in website QA - Familiarity with testing user login, registration and payment systems - Proficiency in using Google Chrome for testing purposes Your role will be crucial in ensuring a seamless user experience on my website.
I am in need of a skilled Python developer with extensive experience in using Pytest for test automation with Selenium WebDriver. The main focus will be automating multiple types of te...of a skilled Python developer with extensive experience in using Pytest for test automation with Selenium WebDriver. The main focus will be automating multiple types of tests across different web browsers. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement test scripts using Python and Selenium WebDriver - Automate UI tests, Functional tests, and Regression tests - Ensure compatibility of tests with Chrome and Firefox Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Python and Pytest - Extensive experience with Selenium WebDriver - Strong knowledge of UI, Functional, and Regression testing - Familiarity with cross-brows...
I need a Chrome extension and laravel website *chrome extension for WhatsApp boat msg and data scraping and save into database *Laravel website for data management
tenho um banco de dados MySQL a qual tem uma tabela de cadastro com uns 140 campos a tabela. Preciso de um profissional para criar uma página via web com conexão a esse banco a onde a pessoa vai ter seu usuário e senha q já existe...tabela e ela conseguir atualizar seus dados. Como uma página de faculdade com seus dados onde aluno consiga acessar e alterar seus dados. Atualmente isso e feito por uma pessoa, mas aí depende que a pessoa consiga se dispor a está com essa pessoa pra atualizar seus dados, por isso da opção de criar a página e a pessoa ter essa opção ela mesma de atualizar seja dados. A tabela tem seu id chave e os dados da conexão q seria CPF + 6 Dig do CPF Com isso ela conseg...
I am looking for a firmware solution for Gigabit Ethernet router. We need your a recommendation for a CPU/MCU based. You will deliver source code...Ethernet router. The MCU/CPU, Ethernet must be working from -40C to +85C. Your MCU/CPU will work with my Ethernet Switch. But if you have a full router solution with your custom firmware, we will take it. For functional block diagram, please refer to the figure attached. We can only accept your bid if you can provide the following information: 1. The MCU/CPU that your firmware will working on. 2. OS that you are using. 3. Timeline for basic firmware router with 1 port uplink and 4 port downlink Ethernet switch. 4. Transfer your code to our firmware engineer. If you do not answer any of the over question, we will not consider your bid. ...
Preciso que seja personalizado algumas ações para o aluno. Estou usando Wordpress com WPLMS. No documento é detalhado as quatros situações que precisam ser contempladas no fluxo do aluno. Preciso que o módulo que o aluno está estudando esteja ativo e os demais não. Antes que ele avance para o próximo módulo é importante ter um botão e mensagem que possa ser personalizada de avanço, incluindo botão de cancelar. Caso ele avance o módulo anterior deve ficar bloqueado. E assim por diante conforme documento em anexo. Observe que existem mensagens que devem aparecer em cada situação, e estas mensagens devem ser personalizadas em html onde possamos editar.
Estou em bu...várias faixas, cada uma com controle de volume individual, além de um controle mestre. Atualmente, o player funciona perfeitamente em dispositivos Android, Windows e MacBook, mas enfrenta problemas específicos no iOS (iPhone). No iOS, o player consegue reproduzir as faixas de áudio, mas os controles de volume não respondem corretamente, impossibilitando o ajuste do volume em cada faixa individual. Preciso de uma solução para garantir que o player funcione de maneira consistente e totalmente funcional em todos os navegadores e dispositivos, com foco especial em corrigir essa falha nos dispositivos Iphone. Se você possui experiência com desenvolvimento de players de áudio HTML5 e otimizaç...
I need a skilled developer to troubleshoot and fix my Windows desktop app, which is crashing on startup. App was made with python. Ideal Skills: - Desktop App Development - Windows OS expertise - Bug Troubleshooting - Performance Optimization Experience with similar issues is a plus. Please provide a portfolio of previous work.
My website is running slowly, there are some mistakes to be corrected, CSS, JAVA, rendering and others. ...advice on what to do to improve SEO. My website is experiencing performance issues primarily on mobile and on Chrome. It's crucial for me to enhance the page load speed and rectify any error corrections. I'm also open to SEO enhancements, even though my primary concern is with the website's performance and error correction. Ideal qualifications for the job include: - Proficient in CSS, Java, and rendering issues - Experienced in website performance optimization - Knowledgeable in SEO strategies and enhancements - Familiar with debugging on Chrome and mobile platforms Please note that the focus is on fixing the errors and improving the speed on mobile de...
I have a web application whose source code I will provide. I need help with deploying it on a VPS Server with Ubunutu OS. The tasks include: - Enabling necessary ports - Installing Apache - Installing PHP8.1 - Installing MySQL - Installing phpMyAdmin - Installing Composer - Setting up Laravel Supervisor - Installing a specific version of Laravel You have profound experience with server management, PHP, MySQL, and Laravel.
...portal onde as agências de viagem e turismo possam aceder e reservar circuitos turísticos disponíveis. Objetivos do Projecto: + Avaliar a adaptação do site para permitir que cada página, que actualmente apresenta um circuito turístico, funciona como um pacote acessível para as agências de viagem e de turismo. + Investigar a integração de uma API que permita uma comunicação fluida entre o site e os sistemas das agências parceiras. + Garantir que a experiência do utilizador seja optimizada e segura para as agências de viagem e turismo. Competências Requeridas: + Especialização em desenvolvimento WordPress, com experiência na adaptaçã...
i bought a source code for whatsapp crm chrome extension without knowing it was obfuscated . i need someone that can help me, deobfuscate the code. i heard today with the help of AI it is easier than it used to be. Thanks
...wake the computer from sleep mode. Key Features: Compatibility: The application should support both Windows 10 and Windows 11. Wake Scheduling: The program should allow users to set a specific time for the computer to wake up from sleep mode. CMD Commands: Upon waking, the application should have the option to send CMD commands. Ideal Skills: Strong experience in software development for Windows OS. Previous work on system utilities would be an advantage. Proficient in creating user-friendly interfaces. Good understanding of Windows Command Prompt. I need too of source code. It's a private solution, so I don't want it to become a public repository. If you can develop a straightforward program that meets these requirements, please reach out with your proposal and est...
I have an AutoCAD DWG file of a frame that needs to be translated into a 3D Max model (2016). Key Requirements: - Basic structure and shapes: The 3D model should represent the fundamental components of the frame. - Static Rendering: The model should be optimized for static rendering, with consideration for how...how it will look in a still image. - Product Visualization: The primary use of this 3D model will be for product visualization, so it should be suitable for showcasing a product. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in AutoCAD and 3D Max (2016) - Experience with creating models for static rendering - Strong understanding of product visualization techniques - Knowledge of how to apply metal-chrome material for renders. optionally i need STEP or IGES file for part of ...
I'm in need of a Windows-based automated program that will work with Google Chrome. The program's primary function is to refresh the page and click on specific buttons when a certain value exceeds 0. Key Requirements: - The program should be able to monitor a specific value on the webpage by refreshing the website. - Upon the value being higher than 0, should click on designated buttons. - The program must be compatible with Google Chrome on a Windows platform. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in automation and scripting, particularly for Google Chrome on Windows. - Familiarity with web page interaction and element identification. - Experience in creating automation programs for button clicks. Please note, the program should be reliable and effi...
...signatures for contracts and management of legal documents. - Payment and finance: Manage payments (maintenance fees, insurance, fuel) among co-owners and integrate with online payment solutions. - Security and compliance: Protect users' personal and financial data and comply with GDPR requirements. 2. Functional Scope 2.1. Front-end The platform must be accessible from any modern web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge) as well as through a mobile application (iOS and Android). The user interface (UI) must be intuitive, ergonomic, and offer smooth navigation. Features to develop: - Registration and Login: Allow users to create an account, log in using email and password, or via third-party services like Google or Facebook. - User Dashboard: Display a dashboard summari...
I'm experiencing Content Security Policy (CSP) errors on my website system.beyond-behavior.net. Specific Issues: - Script errors: I'm encountering script errors due to the current CSP. - Port Access: The site is unable to access port 3001. These issues are occurring across all major browsers: Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. To replicate the errors please visit Login as test'at', password 'Test', and visit the invoice page to see the errors. The ideal candidate will be able to fix the CSP to work with existing scripts. Alternatively, the scripts can be changed to match the CSP requirements. It's up to the candidate to decide on what approach to take.
I've deployed a project on Cloud Run that tracks user interactions on my website via Facebook's server. However, I'm encountering an Access-Control-Allow-Origin issue, even though server tracking seems to be working fine. I need someone with expertise in CORS policy implementation to assis...server tracking seems to be working fine. I need someone with expertise in CORS policy implementation to assist me in resolving this issue. Key Requirements: - Proficient in CORS policy implementation - Experience with Google Cloud Run - Knowledgeable in server-side configurations - Able to troubleshoot and resolve CORS related issues Please note, the website is primarily accessed via Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Safari. I have full control over the server where the Cloud...
Captura de Imagens e Vídeos em Porecatu - Oportunidade de Pesquisa! Estamos em busca de um(a) profissional localizado(a) em Porecatu, Paraná, ou em cidades próximas, para colaborar em nossa pesquisa sobre oportunidades de negócio na região. Este tra...logística. Experiência: Não é necessária experiência prévia, desde que as fotos sejam nítidas e de boa qualidade. Equipamento: O candidato não precisa ter equipamento específico, mas deve garantir que as imagens e vídeos capturados sejam claros e bem iluminados. Formato de Entrega: Os materiais devem ser enviados via WhatsApp ou e-mail, conforme sua preferência. Remuneração: O pagamento será disc...
...code duplication. Ideal skills for this job would include extensive experience with Jenkins, Sonar, Kubernetes, and GitHub, as well as a strong understanding of Java, React, and MySQL. Experience in setting up DevOps pipelines for development environments is crucial. The ability to create effective code quality checks is also essential. The pipeline includes the following tools (Microsoft Windows OS > 10) : 1. Version Control • GitHub/GitLab/Bitbucket: Platforms for hosting Git repositories and enabling collaboration. 2. Continuous Integration (CI) • Jenkins: A popular open-source automation tool that helps automate the building and testing of Java applications. 3. Build Automation • Maven: A build automation tool used primarily for Java projects. It manages...
... This project involves developing a Google Chrome extension and an Android app in Kotlin. Key Features: - **Seamless Calling**: The extension should enable smooth calling directly from the browser. - **Call History Synchronization**: A vital component of this app is the syncing of call history between the extension and the Android app. - **Phone Number Transfer**: The ability to send a phone number to the Android phone and initiate the call without delay. Platform Integration: The new Chrome extension should only sync with Android devices. User Interaction: Calls should be initiated in the browser via a right-click context menu option. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Kotlin for Android app development. - Extensive experience with Google Chrome extension developm...
Fazer um quadro (obs: o desenho digital já está pronto) ou uma escultura, montar uma grade (como uma prisão) e prendê-la na frente de um espelho. Para representar a opressão sofrida pelo povo durante os regimes totalitários.
I do have the source code of a Whatsapp chrome extension app. Right now the activation of users is done manually. I ned help with the following: 1 - Add Automatic 5 days free trial. 2 - Automatic activation after users makes the payment. ( i was thinking of receiving payment with and we can use zapier/pabbly to automate license activaion after paiement is received). i am open to suggestions 3 - Batching option when sending messages. Pretty much much be able to upload a list of number and configre so that 300 message for example is sent to numbers daily. 4- i also need help with the procedure of getting approved on chrome store. Please only bid if you have experience with whasapp CRM crhome extensions
Sviluppo di un'integrazione di Chrome che possa catturare gli screenshoot della pagine web e portarli un un task manager collaborativo. Particolare attenzione ai cliant mail (tipo gmail) e a whatsapp web. L'integrazione deve essere distribuita quindi dovra prevedere lo sviluppo del pannello amministratore per gestire gli utenti.
...to create a minimalist skincare mask packaging, along with our logo and comprehensive branding guidelines. - Packaging: The design should embody a minimalist approach, focusing on modernity, and a chrome/silver aesthetic like attached photo. Font and sizing to be similar to skin1004 packaging attached. - Logo: A clean and sophisticated logo that aligns with the minimalist aesthetic, similar to skin1004. Brand name: BASE - Branding Guidelines: A set of clear, concise guidelines that outline the use of the logo, packaging design, and overall brand aesthetic. Colours to incorporate silver, chrome, black, white. Monochrome and very minimalistic. Ideal candidates should have a strong portfolio in minimalist design, particularly in skincare or cosmetic packaging. Experienc...