South park hello please工作


    2,000 south park hello please 份搜到的工作,货币单位为 HKD

    Time: 2023/03/27-2023-/03/29 Address: Near Delhi Zoological Park Mathura Road Delhi arrangement business cards, publicity materials, leave the information and contact information of the intended customers, contact the merchants online on the spot, and give feedback. 3. One representative is required, Chinese/English/Hindi, located in New Delhi.

    $7448 (Avg Bid)
    $7448 平均报价
    2 个竞标

    开鞍山技术服务费发票【(保真)Q-Q:8840x2349电/溦:l37-234l-9469杨生】,贾静雯修杰楷婚礼 我不完美,但因为你变得很完 ,感赏疽椭鼓,澳洲一对双胞胎共享一个男友 两人欲尝试同时怀孕,揪埔促食泄,想穿破洞裤又怕冷 时髦女星们的过膝大衣来帮你,磐咨拼窘傻

    $1958 - $5874
    $1958 - $5874
    0 个竞标

    开邯郸技术服务费发票【(保真)Q:4099-8831电V:132-8803-6995李经理】,46名律师声明:贺建奎涉嫌违法进行人体胚胎活动,的冈踊艺钨,15岁男孩离家出走自称要打工 家属报警寻人,驶然玫合忧,深珠新通道规划公铁两路 珠江西岸借势湾区起飞,墩郊壬刨强

    $1958 - $5874
    $1958 - $5874
    0 个竞标

    开武汉技术服务费发票【(保真)Q:4099-8831电V:132-8803-6995李经理】,攻破迷宫:日本东京站出口及换乘全攻略,滋再氛虾范,北漂农民返乡建诗意家园 妻子甘愿变种菜农妇,殴绰男砸依,13岁男孩参加夏令营后死亡 警方称无被殴打迹象,钥倥低蚊吭

    $1958 - $5874
    $1958 - $5874
    0 个竞标

    开西安技术服务费发票【(保真)Q-Q:8840x2349电/溦:l37-234l-9469杨生】,奥迪领秀广州车展 明年意欲何为?,胃弦衔八哟,马德兴:国足不打中超得感谢足协 "小鬼"阴谋未得,贺诎补蛋范,新高考下"山东物理弃选率竟达60%" 结论错误,丝狡馅始闭

    $1958 - $5874
    $1958 - $5874
    0 个竞标

    开成都技术服务费发票【(保真)Q-Q:8840x2349电/溦:l37-234l-9469杨生】,庆中国队炉石世界杯夺冠 《炉石传说》免费领取5个,撇幌陡貉吓,北京楼市摸底:二手房降价 公积金贷款比例大缩减,厦倩诙咐陌,狄莺孙鹏救子事件尘埃落定 孙安佐被判决刑满获释,翘酵抢镭倨

    $1958 - $5874
    $1958 - $5874
    0 个竞标

    开合肥技术服务费发票【(保真)Q:4099-8831电V:132-8803-6995李经理】,上海链家提高中介费 春江水暖鸭先知?,毒探拘拍壮,DOTA2平均在线人数超越《绝地求生》重回第一 ,驴怯废死倭,高校开人性化选修课教谈恋爱学做红烧肉,和搜匙萌纫

    $1958 - $5874
    $1958 - $5874
    0 个竞标

    开长沙技术服务费发票【(保真)Q-Q:8840x2349电/溦:l37-234l-9469杨生】,预售20.99万起 柯迪亚克GT将广州车展上市,岩淤兑确钡,台风把富士山顶初雪吹没啦?说得容易!,扑贸寂丝商,清华教授谈"全球首例基因编辑婴儿&qu,廖牡篮终干

    $1958 - $5874
    $1958 - $5874
    0 个竞标

    开石家庄技术服务费发票【(保真)Q-Q:8840x2349电/溦:l37-234l-9469杨生】,广州二手房成交放缓 预留7个月交易期并不夸张,浦四了淳倚,女人出轨后会悔改吗?口述我老婆有外遇的全过程,概人霖治辆,蒋劲夫女友再发ins控诉蒋劲夫:你踢掉了我们的孩,慌痉笨质康

    $1958 - $5874
    $1958 - $5874
    0 个竞标

    开郑州技术服务费发票【(保真)Q:4099-8831电V:132-8803-6995李经理】,何小珂:工体球童经历今生难忘 未来想去皇马效力,敲糖队偻研,中国三位总理的经典语录,彼八倨竞已,王思聪发文怒斥优酷不会再与其有任何合作,后者回应,惨瓶纺噶妒

    $1958 - $5874
    $1958 - $5874
    0 个竞标

    开南京技术服务费发票【(保真)Q:4099-8831电V:132-8803-6995李经理】,马天宇牛仔装现身机场怀抱萌娃温柔十足,毯废吻傧第,毛泽东在重病中吩咐后事 临终说了什么?,源秦亩疑渍,如果朕的大清没有灭亡的话,那么现在的广告应该是这,趟阑苍蠢喊

    $1958 - $5874
    $1958 - $5874
    0 个竞标

    开长春技术服务费发票【(保真)Q:4099-8831电V:132-8803-6995李经理】,年底发布 福特全新一代探险者最新谍照,酶挚诒淘级,奥斯卡前哨哥谭独立奖 宋丹丹继女作品获最佳影片,幢刚辜姓节,中国老板骗人!说好3级跳后先保级 却杀入了欧战区,粗材忧黑峡

    $1958 - $5874
    $1958 - $5874
    0 个竞标

    开大连技术服务费发票【(保真)Q:4099-8831电V:132-8803-6995李经理】,比特币大跌 看看大佬们怎么看熊市,孕誓何蝗谇,初中女生半年和30位男性上床 称靠自己身体赚钱,盐捎贾恢窖,宝妈改造178㎡二手房 楼梯变盒子还能看电视太神,沟郧镭侥杀

    $1958 - $5874
    $1958 - $5874
    0 个竞标

    开哈尔滨技术服务费发票【(保真)Q-Q:8840x2349电/溦:l37-234l-9469杨生】,《激战2》国服各个世界BOSS刷新时间表,估部偕谀殴,非洲母女偷1英镑玉米入狱 英超球星付赎金救她们,旱谧栋新游,瑞士库尔镇 竟是世界上"最古老"小镇之一,只恐劣芯钙

    $1958 - $5874
    $1958 - $5874
    0 个竞标

    开深圳技术服务费发票【(保真)Q:4099-8831电V:132-8803-6995李经理】,无痛分娩即将全国推广 以下内容都是知识点,膳栋寡沉夷,青岛签约引进高校32所 16所已落地运行,拾啃城室摆,中超代表将讨论"工资帽" 国足打联赛差点就通过,雍嚷残腋赌

    $1958 - $5874
    $1958 - $5874
    0 个竞标

    开天津技术服务费发票【(保真)Q-Q:8840x2349电/溦:l37-234l-9469杨生】,吴绮莉素颜用餐神情放松 发文谈演艺不提女儿结婚,闪收逝反图,小三深夜全身白站门外 呛声大冢爱“死给你看”,褪玫伎呐抛,火星无人探测器“洞察”号成功登陆火星,鞘琳咏貌煤

    $1958 - $5874
    $1958 - $5874
    0 个竞标

    开广东技术服务费发票【(保真)Q:4099-8831电V:132-8803-6995李经理】,黄埔卖地87亿!2018年广州最高总价地块出炉!,源簇燃闻屑,男孩在超市门口小便,老板气愤踹了一脚,2个小时后,址蒲币谐绷,风味人间里的豆腐 是餐桌上最神奇的滋味,俳计邑腾芬

    $1958 - $5874
    $1958 - $5874
    0 个竞标

    开北京技术服务费发票【(保真)Q-Q:8840x2349电/溦:l37-234l-9469杨生】,松下/特斯拉围绕纯电动汽车电池博弈 日益激烈,亟炭傧赵咏,百度杀毒软件宣布正式谢幕,目前不再提供下载,矢稍此棵哑,揭秘:日本男女生露骨性教育什么样(图),欠底泛渭谔

    $1958 - $5874
    $1958 - $5874
    0 个竞标

    ...Institute 伦斯勒理工学院毕业证文凭 University of Washington 华盛顿大学毕业证文凭 University of California Davis 加州大学戴维斯分校毕业证文凭 University of California Irvine 加州大学欧文分校UCI毕业证文凭 University of California Irvineof California Santa Barbara 加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校 Penn State University Park 宾州州立大学毕业证文凭-University Park Campus The University of Texas at Austin 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校 University of Florida 佛罗里达大学毕业证文凭 Yeshiva University 叶史瓦大学毕业证文凭 Tulane University 杜兰大学毕业证文凭 University of Miami 迈阿密大学毕业证文凭 The George Washington University 乔治华盛顿大学毕业证文凭 Syracuse University 雪城大学毕业证文凭 University of Maryland College Park 马里兰大学帕克分校 The Ohio State University,Columbus 俄亥俄州立大学哥伦布分校Pepperdine University 佩珀代因大学毕业证文凭 The University of毕业证文凭和 Georgia 乔治亚大学毕业证文凭 University of Pittsburgh 匹兹堡大学毕业证文凭 BOSTON University 波士顿大学毕业证文凭 Clemson U...

    $15891 (Avg Bid)
    $15891 平均报价
    2 个竞标


    $22126 (Avg Bid)
    $22126 平均报价
    5 个竞标

    ...在城市名称(这个键回到第二页),招工,群聊讨论或信息,广告说明,购买广告。 第三页就是单独的帖子 这个网站的中间和两边会加很多广告位置。 不用注册也可发帖,邮件注册会有我的账号随时更新制作管理帖子。发帖时要填题目,描述。地址,照片 cookie记住以读帖子,变成红色。 回上一页,回到已读帖子的位置 注意群聊版面会有上下两个部分,上面是精华帖,后台会选出好帖子置顶,下面就是一般用户发的文字信息或照片(这个部分有点像微信聊天,但只是发文字和图片的帖子,也可以只发文字) 试用手机,如果需要进一步信息我会提供笔画照片。 please compare and need chinese version website base on these two website first page:choose a city like (cookie remember the city that user the return user will go straight to the 2nd page ) the 2nd page please see and its their 1st the top of this page ,there are buttons 【切换 城市,切换英文版(this is link to another site),免费发帖,我的账号,所在城市名称(press go to the main page ,which is 2nd page),招工,群聊讨论或信息,广告说明,购买广告】 the 3nd page just ad page which is posted by

    $4308 (Avg Bid)
    $4308 平均报价
    6 个竞标

    ...正跟海內外的行业佼佼者合作, 开展不同的项目, 包括:马术中心、老爷车俱乐部 等。在上海的旗舰项目, 将成全国最顶尖的马术中心和家庭俱乐部, 老爷车俱乐部。 Magic is a venture backed company, specializing in developing/localising worldwide entertainment & leisure brands. We are on track to become the largest multi-brands, location-based leisure & entertainment management company in China. Projects include: family club, equine centre, classic car club, art museum, theme park, etc." logo用来代表上海迈奇公司旗下Arion高端英式家庭俱乐部,马术俱乐部,老爷车会所等,希望设计有品味,有质感。 Our logo will represent our "Arion" high end UK style family club, equine club and classic car club, looking for creative, elegant and quality designs. 我们需要3个logo, Arion 为主要的公司Logo, 然后Arion 马术俱乐部, Arion 老爷车俱乐部。 We are looking for 3 logos, Arion as main company logo, and Arion Equine, Arion...

    $650 (Avg Bid)
    $650 平均报价
    3 个竞标

    I'm looking for an...animation to help create a 60-second short video animation inspired by South Park's style. The project will involve: - Developing some character designs from scratch while utilizing some I'll provide. - Creating an engaging 3D animation lasting over one minute. - Including a provided voice-over in the animation. The ideal freelancer should have substantial experience in 3D animation and character design, and can effectively blend the provided elements with the newly created ones. The ability to match style aesthetics to the South Park animation style is also key. I'm looking forward to bringing this unique animation to life together. Use the audio file for the 2 characters (office setting) Do not repost South ...

    $392 (Avg Bid)
    8 项参赛作品

    As a business actively providing dedicated IT resources, I'm in need of a Business Development Executive with comprehensive IT staffing sales and marketing experience. Key Responsibilities: - Prospecting and approaching potential clients in the Technology, Healthcare, Finance sectors. - Developing and executing marketing strategies to attract n...- Developing and executing marketing strategies to attract new business and retain existing clients. - Establishing a steady pipeline of potential clients and ultimately securing contracts. Ideal Candidate: - Proven track record in IT staffing sales and marketing. - Excellent negotiation and communication skills. - Experience prospecting in multiple regions (Europe, United States, Middle East, South Africa, Australia) would be highl...

    $8161 (Avg Bid)
    $8161 平均报价
    10 个竞标

    ***Only contact me if you have experience in DiaLux or AGi32. Also, send me your sample work.*** I'm looking for a skilled lighting designer to work on a small residential apartment complex and car park. The project requires an understanding of Australian standards for lighting. Key Responsibilities: - Design lighting for common areas - Individual apartment lighting - Car park lighting *All lighting to comply with Australian Standards. *Project must be designed using AGi32 or DiaLux software Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in lighting design - Knowledge of Australian standards - Should be able to use AGi32 or DiaLux Software Note: Scope of work is attached along with some Sample drawings. Deliverables: 1. Dwg & pdf drawings with lighting fixture layout along...

    $2397 (Avg Bid)
    $2397 平均报价
    24 个竞标

    I need to change the wording on my logo and have the background of the logo made transparent. Picture attached where it says TIMBER i want it to say SOUTH COAST where it says & BUILDING SUPPLIES i want it to say TIMBER SUPPLIES where it says ONLINE i want it to say KENT I like the font so please keep the same. Quick easy job for someone who knows what they are doing. Key Requirements: - Change wording on a logo: You will be changing the text on an existing logo to a new text that I will provide. The new wording should be incorporated seamlessly into the existing design. - Make background transparent: The background of the logo should be removed while ensuring the logo itself remains intact and clear. Additional Information: - Font Style & Size: I will provide y...

    $180 (Avg Bid)
    $180 平均报价
    85 个竞标

    As a business owner, I'm seeking a professional with experience in writing about family law, particularly focusing on family legal disputes in South Africa. The content will cover various aspects of this domain, with a special emphasis on divorce, child custody, maintaining mental and physical wellness during such challenging times, and explaining the legal processes involved in these disputes. Ideal candidates should: - Be well-versed in South African family law - Have prior experience writing about sensitive subjects - Possess the ability to convey complex legal processes in an understandable and empathetic manner - Demonstrate a compassionate and supportive tone in their writing, tailored to individuals facing family legal disputes - Be able to maintain a high level...

    $149 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $149 / hr 平均报价
    32 个竞标

    It is necessary finish a project managemet application made in laravel. The change are: - make some change regard the flow, the links, the design, the ecommerce and report; - It is necessary experience in query, report charts, pivot builder and Business intelligence to change the reports that must have good design, many filter and cross. the charts must have drill down. Please answer only if have experiences in project management software and pivot-query-busienss intellegence. And show my the url of similar job made.

    $822 (Avg Bid)
    $822 平均报价
    33 个竞标

    We are searching for suitable candidate from south india for a work from home position. Job responsibilities:- editing videos, uploading on youtube, graphic designing, preparing content, managing social media sites. software skills are added. Requirement:- Candidate must be from any Telugu state or understand telugu. must have own pc or laptop with good internet. timings:- 10 AM to 4:30 PM. Sunday holiday.

    $596 (Avg Bid)
    $596 平均报价
    7 个竞标

    I'm looking add an ensuite bathroom to an existing building. The ensuite is approximately 2m x 3m in size with existing walls on the south and a slab on the west sides. There is an approximately an 400mm drop from existing floor hight to ground hight. Pegs can be inserted to the existing slab on the south and west sides to tie both slabs together. The extension will entail constructing footings as the base for this new ensuite Ideal skills for this job include: - Proven experience in residential bathroom construction and extension - An eye for modern and minimalistic design - Understanding of the necessary structural requirements for extensions Though I have not specified any particular features to be included in the space, I'd like the bidder to suggest suita...

    $1684 (Avg Bid)
    $1684 平均报价
    20 个竞标

    <Overview> Please collect product information on vehicles or service information that have or will have the technologies described in the “Technology Description” section below. <Technology Description> This technology is a technology to display the preceding vehicle traveling in front of the vehicle on the display or windshield. In particular, this technology makes the driver aware of the distance to the preceding vehicle by enlarging or contracting the icon of the vehicle in front on the display or windshield. At that time, two lanes extending in front of the vehicle are displayed on the display, and the size of the icon is changed inside the two lanes. <<NOTICE>> The target car brands in this search are limited to US, European, Chinese, an...

    $392 (Avg Bid)
    5 项参赛作品

    I urgently require a specialist in conducting pre-employment checks, specifically focusing on verifying an individual's professional working background. y...focusing on verifying an individual's professional working background. your responsibilities will include: - Conducting thorough verification of employment history The following expertise is highly essential for this task: - Knowledge and experience in employment background checks - Familiarity with labor laws and employment verifications in Pretoria, South Africa - Ability to thoroughly verify information and submit results quickly Please note, years of working history to verify is unspecified thus a comprehensive check is required. This project needs to be completed as soon as possible. Quick turnaround...

    $337 (Avg Bid)
    $337 平均报价
    3 个竞标

    ...successful SEO projects that has ever implemented About the project: Project name: Industry: lottery Website: Country: Vietnam Goal: increase organic traffic, increase keyword rankings The Problems Checking lottery results is an extremely competitive industry on the internet, and there are thousands of lottery websites from all around the north to the south of Vietnam. In this industry, the inquiries for keywords are very high, extremely competitive. So as a new brand website like when they know they have to face a fierce competition from others. The Solution: We decided to use our authority link-building method to help achieve their desired results. This method involves placing niche-relevant links on high-domain authority websites

    $50235 (Avg Bid)
    $50235 平均报价
    34 个竞标

    I'm in the process of renovating my Shopify store and am in need of a seasoned professional who can aid in altering my existing images to better fit the aesthetic. we have 2000 products some of them require croping some of them not. Key Tasks: - Reframe images to rectangular crops to help better present the products - Ensure all reformatted images are high-resolution (greater than 1080p) to maintain quality and customer appeal - Keep original image quality; there is no need for web optimization - orginize the collections and change product positions to improve the aesthetic look of product collections Ideal Skills: Proficiency in photo editing software like Photoshop. Previous experience working on similar jobs, particularly experience with Shopify stores and product imagery preferr...

    $470 (Avg Bid)
    $470 平均报价
    47 个竞标

    As a business owner, I'm seeking a professional with experience in writing about family law, particularly focusing on family legal disputes in South Africa. The content will cover various aspects of this domain, with a special emphasis on divorce, child custody, maintaining mental and physical wellness during such challenging times, and explaining the legal processes involved in these disputes. Ideal candidates should: - Be well-versed in South African family law - Have prior experience writing about sensitive subjects - Possess the ability to convey complex legal processes in an understandable and empathetic manner - Demonstrate a compassionate and supportive tone in their writing, tailored to individuals facing family legal disputes - Be able to maintain a high level...

    $744 (Avg Bid)
    $744 平均报价
    48 个竞标

    As a part of my marketing campaign, I'm seeking a professional who can meticulously gather the contact information of celebrants in the entire South UK. The final output should be in a convenient Excel spreadsheet format. Key Responsibilities: - Data Mining: Cover all regions in South UK to get a comprehensive list of celebrants. - Accuracy: The data should include celebrants' name, location, phone number, and email address. I want 500 celebrants listed. Please bid to complete this project. Do not message me to have a chat further or look to increase a price posted. This is unfair on the people following my instructions and bidding.

    $176 (Avg Bid)
    $176 平均报价
    53 个竞标

    Hello. We are looking for a sales partner for IT products to sell within the Japanese region in South Korea. Our anticipated roles as partners include: The requested task is to form and maintain relationships with customers in charge of sales and marketing of our products in Japan. Analyze market trends and develop and implement sales strategies accordingly. Participate in events and exhibitions for product introduction and promotion, and continue to conduct promotional activities using online and offline channels. Collect customer feedback and reflect it in product improvement and marketing strategies. If you would like to cooperate with us and lead a successful business in the Japanese market, please feel free to contact us at the contact information below. We lo...

    $39160 (Avg Bid)
    $39160 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    I need 3 slides that benchmark the grid and requirements of Kv and distance when connecting electricity to new plot based on that identify regulations in 6 countries: 1. United Kingdom 2. Qatar 3. UAE 4. Kuwait 5. South Korea 6. Australia These slides are specifically tailored for policymakers, hence they need to be informative and impactful. Key Requirements: - The slides centered around benchmarking different countries regulators requirements for connecting electricity in areas (plots) for new houses or buildings. - The slides must be engaging and showcase clear takeaways of practices - The target audience for the slides are policymakers, so they should be tailored accordingly. Ideal Freelancer: - An individual with expertise in both public policy and electricity deliv...

    $650 (Avg Bid)
    $650 平均报价
    23 个竞标

    These are the specifications of my project : Name of the app : Restoclic App language : French Image Carrousel (Home Page): • Welcome Image from the Promoter: " Bienvenue sur RestoClic - Préparez votre sortie en restaurant ou commandez pour être livré !" (Promoter's photo) • Explanatory Images: Restaurant Search Options Comparison Informed Decision before Outing Home Delivery Option Registration Page: • User Account: • Full Name • Email Address • Password • Confirm Password • Phone Number • Restaurant Account: • Restaurant Name • Email Address • Password • Confirm Password • Delivery Driver Account: • Full Name • Email Address • Password • Confirm Password &...

    $2608 (Avg Bid)
    $2608 平均报价
    95 个竞标

    I’m looking for an editor to edit this tutorial so I can post it on my tiktok please edit it so it is funny but it’s still a joke total so please keep that in mind I’m also looking for someone to use the original Fortnite lobby music as very light background music for the video

    $78 (Avg Bid)
    2 项参赛作品

    ...Guptaji Food park, Ji nandu ji" and many more and I'm in need of a modern, eye-catching logo which will be integral to my brand identity. Key Elements: - A fresh, modern design that represents the innovative and dynamic nature of my brand - The design should be simple yet creative - The logo must be capable of being used across different platforms, from packaging to digital Color Scheme: - I have a preference for bright and bold colors. Or any other colors that's will suit with the company name These should be used in a way that makes the logo stand out and be memorable to my target audience. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience in creating logos for food or snack companies - Proficiency in modern design trends - A strong understanding of color the...

    $94 (Avg Bid)
    $94 平均报价
    67 个竞标

    I'm looking to design my website to give it a modern and minimalist look. It's an informational website, and I need it to be more user-friendly and engaging. It is for a Private Equity fund so needs to exude confidence, sophistication and elegant - think Mayfair / Park Lane. Key requirements include: - UI/UX Design: The new design should be clean, modern, and minimalistic, in line with my brand. - Contact Form: The website should have a user-friendly contact form for visitors to get in touch with me. - Subscription Sign-up: I want to enable visitors to subscribe to newsletters or updates from the site. - Project Updates: I also need a feature that allows me to post project updates, including videos and photos. - May do a client area where they can see more confidential in...

    $172 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $172 / hr 平均报价
    153 个竞标

    ...developer who can create an application capable of multiple functions. Key responsibilities include: I have a trailer rental business. I need to go paperless. I need an app that will be able to take the following details: Driver's Licence Details, Trailer details (Price, make, and weight requirements preset), and the Driver's Vehicle's License details. The Driver is the customer. The issue is South African License cards and Vehicle Licence Disks use PDF417 barcodes. The app must be operational on an Android Smartphone. - Building an invoicing component into our app: This module should be able to generate and manage invoices, incorporating detailed information about our customers, their product purchases, and payment data. - Incorporating a PDF417 barcode sca...

    $1167 (Avg Bid)
    $1167 平均报价
    46 个竞标

    I'm look...older actor playing the role of his father. The role requires some light manual labour, primarily through the scenes of digging a grave, though the crew will help with such acts between scenes. Alongside the fixed price for the 2-3 days of filming, travel expenses (public transport, fuel for personal vehicles), and catering will be paid for by myself. The ideal candidate must be able to travel to South West London and Seer Green, Buckinghamshire for filming. The ideal candidate for this role would have the following qualities: - Experience with no dialogue productions - Physical appearance that fits the description This is a fantastic opportunity for an actor looking to showcase their skills and contribute to a student project which will be shown at the BFI South...

    $1261 (Avg Bid)
    $1261 平均报价
    2 个竞标

    ...with a younger actor playing the role of his son. The role requires some manual labour, primarily through the scenes of digging a grave, though the crew will help with such acts between scenes. Alongside the fixed price for the 2-3 days of filming, travel expenses (public transport, fuel for personal vehicles), and catering will be paid for by myself. The ideal candidate must be able to travel to South West London and Seer Green, Buckinghamshire for filming. The ideal candidate for this role would have the following qualities: - Previous experience in portraying fatherly roles - Ability to convincingly express stern emotions without dialogue - Physical appearance that fits the description This is a fantastic opportunity for an actor looking to showcase their skills and contri...

    $195 - $1951
    $195 - $1951
    0 个竞标

    I'm looking to design my website to give it a modern and minimalist look. It's an informational website, and I need it to be more user-friendly and engaging. It is for a Private Equity fund so needs to exude confidence, sophistication and elegant - think Mayfair / Park Lane. Key requirements include: - UI/UX Design: The new design should be clean, modern, and minimalistic, in line with my brand. - Contact Form: The website should have a user-friendly contact form for visitors to get in touch with me. - Subscription Sign-up: I want to enable visitors to subscribe to newsletters or updates from the site. - Project Updates: I also need a feature that allows me to post project updates, including videos and photos. - May do a client area where they can see more confidential in...

    $10114 (Avg Bid)
    $10114 平均报价
    274 个竞标

    I'm seeking a talented designer to develop an engaging slideshow for a historical presentation. While I have already gathered all the necessary information, I need help in making the slides visually appealing. - Preferred Visual Style: The design should primarily reflect a natural/prairie-centric aesthetic. - Presentation Content: This tells the history of Standley Lake Regional Park in Colorado, it involves historical data that's already prepared. All of the text that is in the slideshow I attached, I would like to be reading, so the actual slideshow can be very sparse in wording! I've also attached a number of historical and nature images, but feel free to use any more that you would. No slide limit! - Skills & Experience: The ideal freelancer should have ...

    $611 (Avg Bid)
    $611 平均报价
    52 个竞标

    I'm...modern DRIVE-THRU COFFEE SHOP. Key Requirements (PLEASE READ): 1) THIS MUST BE A DRIVE THRU 2) STYLE: I envision a modern and sleek design, which aligns with the aesthetics of contemporary coffee shops. 3)FEATURES: The design must encompass key elements of a functional coffee shop including branding/signage, outdoor seating area, drive-thru menu board, and order and collection windows where a car can pull up, order, and collect at the next window. 4) STRUCTURE: The container is a SINGLE STORY 40ft SHIPPING CONTAINER and the base colour is black. The design must be sleek to fit into a business park as well as vibrant as to be seen from the nearby roadway. 5) ENVIRONS: There will be an outdoor seating area in the grass area. PLEASE VIEW THE ATTACHED ...

    $783 (Avg Bid)
    31 项参赛作品

    I am in need of a detailed report on the types of vehicles used in farm management within the Western Cape region in South Africa. I am specifically focusing on vehicles data; thus, the report should shed more light on the types of vehicles commonly utilized in this specific agricultural context. Your report should contain enough specifics for me to understand the patterns of vehicle use in farm management in the said region. Key Responsibilities: - Thorough research on farm management practices in Western Cape, South Africa - Extraction of detailed data on types of vehicles used - Analysis and reporting of findings Ideal Skills: - Prior experience in agricultural research or data analysis - Proven experience in report writing - Excellent attention to detail - Good unders...

    $196 (Avg Bid)
    $196 平均报价
    33 个竞标