Logo Presentation 4

Logo Presentation 4

These are some logos I have made for my clients.

image of username apldesigns Flag of Philippines Iligan City, Philippines


Mark Vincent Gemao is a graphic artist based in the Philippines. Since childhood, he possessed great inclination in arts and graphics that conveys messages. In college, he was forced to take a different degree but eventually found love in graphic designing. Thanks to the booming industry online. By 2007, he started logo designing and from then on continued to expand his expertise and nourish his love for arts. He is your guy for designing and photography. He is PASSIONATE, COMMITTED and DILIGENT. And because the technology is changing so fast, he updates himself by late nights of tutorials and new tricks. "When I'm in tune with the process of designing, everything just falls into place. I'll always be grateful and thankful for this gift. The only way that I can give back is to meet my desire to be of help to start-up business and growing companies. I'm blessed to be in an era of abundance where geographical location is not an issue". -Mark Vincent Gemao Thank you very much and may your business attract abundance and joy each day.

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